Membership Plan
At South Davis Pediatric Dentistry, we care about your family. In recent months we’ve heard a lot about how changing insurance premiums, or changing employers is affecting who you see for dental care. We’ve always felt that decisions about your families health care providers shouldn’t be determined by anyone other than you.
For that reason, we’ve created an annual office membership plan as an independent offering to show how much we care. If your yearly premiums are higher than $450 for dental coverage, you are likely paying more than you need to. So if your family is not currently covered, or you’d like to save on your healthcare costs this year, please give us a call to sign up today!
Plans and Pricing
Dental Select Plantinum
- Plan Type
- Couple: $816
- Single: $384
- Add’l Family Member:
Delta Dental
- Plan Type
- Couple: $1020
- Single: $555
- Add’l Family Member:
South Davis Pediatric Dentistry Office Plan
- Plan Type
- Couple: N/A
- Single: $325
- Add’l Family Member: $295
Average Without Ortho
- Plan Type
- Couple: $1200
- Single: $600
- Add’l Family Member: $600
Average With Ortho
- Plan Type
- Couple: $2200
- Single: $1100
- Add’l Family Member: $1100

Included in Membership
- 2 Exams
- 2 Cleaning
- 2 sets of X-Rays
- 2 Flouride Treatments
***All other services receive 20% discount except no discount on orthodontics.

Membership Benefits
- No maximum.
- No deductible.
- No co-pay.
- No claim forms
- No pre-authorization

Annual Membership Fee
- Single – $325
- Each Additional – $295
- No charge for exams & cleanings for children under 2 – 20% discount all other services
- No claim forms
- No pre-authorization

Limitation & Exclusion
- This is an Office Membership Plan, not Dental Insurance. It can not be used in conjunctionwith the following:
- Dental Insurance
- Services or injuries covered under medical insurance
- Third party financial
- Specialist services
South Davis Pediatric Dentistry Office Plan is valid for 1 year of service from the date of the initial payment. All of the patient portion must be paid at the time of service.